The individual child is central

The Kades Barnea Foundation supports sustainable aid projects for children victims of psychological, physical and sexual abuse. The needs of each child are fundamental: housing, food, education, medical and psychological help.


Since 1996, Kades Barnea has helped meet the needs of people affected by poverty, natural disasters, disease and hunger, our goal is to share the love of God through His Son Jesus Christ. God’s desire is for us to help those who need it so much wherever we find them.


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy;Matthew 5:6-7


Kades-Barnea heeft zich ten doel gesteld als missie en Visiarmoedebestrijding, duurzame ontwikkeling en interculturele dialoog door onderwijs, cultuur, Sportcare en care-to-care familie counselors.

Peru Project

House shalom

Casa Shalom is a training center for young people from
15 to 25 years.

Bolivia Project


Basic food, housing, study and clothing project for night school children.

Virtual School

South American Virtual School Project

The South American Virtual School is a collaborative project between the United States World Virtual School

In the press

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3035 TM Rotterdam

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Phone : +010-265 4105 / 466 3333

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Chamber of Commerce S135383, Róterdam